The Writing Centers provide tutoring for students enrolled in Writing Program classes.


There are three physical locations: 

Douglass Writing Center

135 George Street

Livingston Writing Center

Lucy Stone Hall, Room B106

Plangere Writing Center

Murray Hall, Room 303


We also offer tutoring online through our Digital Writing Center. Only the Plangere Writing Center is open during the summer months, with both in-person and online appointments available. Tutoring sessions are scheduled for one eighty-minute class period per week for at least five weeks, and are available free of charge. Walk-in tutoring is also available (see schedule here). Students are tutored in the full range of first-year and advanced research writing courses. The Writing Centers offer morning, afternoon, and evening sessions to ensure access for all students. If you are interested in becoming part of our Writing Center Team, please see our Internship page.


Visit the Writing Centers website

Writing Program Calendar

09 Oct 2024;
09:00AM - 11:00AM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting
06 Nov 2024;
09:00AM - 11:00AM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting