The Writing Program offers a variety of internship opportunities for credit.
The Editing Internship
The Editing Internship runs every Fall semester and provides hands-on experience in academic publishing. In preparation for the yearly publication of the scholarly journal, Dialogues@RU, interns review student submissions, choose the strongest essays, provide editing assistance to authors, prepare for press, and develop advertising material for social media sites.
Visit the Editing Internship page
Creating a Research Conference Internship
Interns will help select papers, organize, publicize, and create the Undergraduate Research Writing Conference (URWC 2021) that will be held virtually, and become a permanent online site. Students will learn to write and create publicity and website pages and assist student presenters in the creation of multi-media presentations of their work.
Visit Creating a Research Conference Internship page
The Writing Internship
The Writing Internship enables students to acquire practical experience in a variety of professional settings that draw on the skills in reading and writing that Business and Technical Writing and English courses develop. It also enables students to test the practical range of some of the ideas presented in their coursework and to experience first-hand some of the career possibilities available to writers. It may be used toward a Technical or Professional Writing Certificate or elective college credit toward graduation.
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Writing Center Internships
Writing Theory & Tutoring Internship
Writing Theory & Tutoring is a 3-credit internship offered by the Writing Centers. It combines weekly class meetings with hands-on experience in the art of tutoring writing. Interns read and discuss texts in the field of writing center studies, consider diverse tutoring perspectives, learn new strategies for reading and revising, and develop patience, flexibility, and professionalism.
As a part of the course, interns tutor one unpaid 80-minute session per week scheduled according to their availability. Intern-tutors may also choose to work additional paid sessions. Undergraduates from all schools and majors who have an interest in reading, writing, and helping others are encouraged to apply!
Writing Center Research Study Internship
The Writing Center Research Study Internship is 3-credit course open to all students interested in learning how to craft a social science research project from start to finish. It will introduce students to the field of writing center research, the principles of research design, interdisciplinary mixed methods, field work, collection of data, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and summative evaluation. Using these tools, students - in partnership with faculty - will conduct a small-scale research study to a) assess general center health and efficacy; and b) develop a preliminary written and oral history of our centers. Undergraduates from all schools and majors who have an interest in reading, writing, and research design are encouraged to apply!
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