- Demetri Lallas
- Director of the Douglass Writing Center
- Assistant Teaching Professor
- At Rutgers Since: 2014
- Email:
- Phone Number: 848-445-3496
- Office: ARC 318
- Education:
- PhD in American Literary Studies (University of Wisconsin-Madison) -- 2009
- MA in Literature (University of Wisconson-Madison) -- 2002
- BA in English (University of Iowa) -- 1997
- Courses Taught:
- English 100 -- Basic Composition
- English 101 -- Expository Writing
- English 201 -- Research in the Disciplines ('Communication in the Digital Age'; 'Creativity'; 'Science and Culture'; 'Science and Politics'; and 'Science, Medicine, and Society')
- English 502 -- Graduate Writing
- Publications:
- “‘From the People, by the People, to the People’: The American Dream(s) Debut.” Journal of American Culture. 37(2): 162-71. 2014.
- “On the Condition of Anonymity: Disembodied Disinhibition and Oblique Trolling Strategies.” Digital Rhetoric and Global Literacies: Communication Modes and Digital Practices in the Networked World. Editors, Marohang Limbu and Gustav Verhulsdonck. New York: IGI Global, 2014.
- “Gothbench.” The Minus Times Collected. Editor, Hunter Kennedy. Chicago: Featherproof Press, 2012.