Donald W. Dow, Ph.D. 
Director, Business & Technical Writing

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Assistant Director, Business & Technical Writing

Business & Technical Writing is a division of the Writing Program and the Department of English at the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University.  We offer many courses for students seeking to improve their writing, fulfill writing requirements, or obtain advanced writing certificates to enhance their employment potential. In addition, Business & Technical Writing offers an approved SAS undergraduate minor.

Our courses help prepare students for work in a variety of professional fields and graduate schools. Good writing and verbal skills are the gateway to acceptance into medical school, law school, and graduate programs in areas ranging from psychology to natural science to engineering. The skills acquired through our program are major assets to any résumé.  With these valuable credentials, our students are prepared for the rigorous standards of graduate education and professional employment. 

Student Testimonials:

One week after graduating I was offered my dream position as a Planner at the Ocean County Planning Department and I gladly accepted. I just wanted to let you know that since working for the government, I have had to write many white papers and proposals and just received a grant for $50,000 for a project that I am working on! I must admit that your class has definitely helped prepare me for my career! I just wanted to give thanks where it's due.

- Jenny Jimenez, about her experience in the course 303 Writing For Business and the Professions

This course really improved my confidence in my research and writing abilities. My final research paper was accepted for the Undergraduate Research and Writing Conference in 2020, and I ended up interning for the URWC the following year. Writing is not scary anymore. I bring this confidence to any academic or work setting I am in.

-Brandon Kalika, about his experience in the course 303 Writing for Business and the Professions

Scientific and Technical Writing was an amazing experience for me and my professional development. After taking the course, I had the opportunity to write my senior thesis, where I was able to apply the tools that I learned in 302 to research and develop a project that I was truly proud of. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to take this class and look forward to using everything I learned about researching and writing a project poposal in the future in medical school.

-Nada Wahba, about her experience in the course 302 Scientific and Technical Writing

As an aspiring researcher, Scientific and Technical Writing prepared me well for the rigors of scientific research as well as prepared me to present my research in an effective and persuasive manner. In addition, this class taught me practical skills such as learning how to prepare a complete project proposal. The value of this cannot be overstated.

-Raymond Mills, about his experience in the course 302 Scientific and Technical Writing

Writing Program Calendar

09 Oct 2024;
09:00AM - 11:00AM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting
06 Nov 2024;
09:00AM - 11:00AM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting