A great way to fulfill Rutgers Core Curriculum Writing and Communication Requirements:
WCd (Discipline) or WCr (Revision)
Interested in taking an upper-level writing class in the company of other transfer students and professors experienced in working with the transfer population? If you have received WC credit for English 101 College Writing, consider taking English 301 College Writing for Transfer Students to fulfill one of your upper-level Core Curriculum “WCr” or “WCd” writing requirements. Students will write two four-page essays that emphasize the writing, reading, and critical thinking skills valued by Rutgers, and then complete an 8-10 page research paper on a subject of personal interest.
To enroll in English 301, students must request a Special Permission Number (SPN) at
Below is the English 301 Schedule of Classes for Fall 2024:
Taboos and Transgressions
01:355:301:01 Index: 08191 Instructor: Sara Blomquist
Meets in-person Tuesday and Friday, 3rd period, 12:10-1:30pm, Scott Hall (SC) 220, College Ave Campus
'Taboos and Transgressions' invites students to explore forbidden and stigmatized ideas and behaviors. Among other questions, it asks why some practices are shunned, and how unpopular beliefs can fight for greater legitimacy and acceptance. The course is curious about what cultural taboos signify, who makes the rules, and how the rules might be overturned. Subjects for student research projects can be drawn from the political, religious, social, cultural, and art-and-entertainment realms; the only requirement is that students be open-minded about the forbidden places their research journey might take them.
Identity and Identities
01:355:301:02 Index: 08192 Instructor: Dawn Lilley
Meets in-person Monday and Wednesday, 3rd period, 12:10-1:30pm Tillett Hall (TIL) 230, Livingston Campus
'Identity and Identities' explores how we form identity both individually and collectively. Our sense of who we are blends biological traits and family and community influence in obscure ways and out of the diversity of unique individual identities form group norms and characteristics. Though our identity can seem like one of the few things we truly own and the bedrock of our existence, we also know that identity can be fluid, intersectional, and perfomative. Identity and Idenities investigates the mysteries of identity construction, discovery, and potential transformation.
Science, Medicine, and Society
01:355:301:03 Index: 08193 Instructor: Peter Molin
Meets in-person Monday and Wednesday, 5th period, 3:50-5:10pm, Tilett Hall (TIL) 207, Livingston Campus
Was there ever a more urgent time to examine links between science, medicine, and our lived lives? Even as the modern world is beset by bigger-and-bigger medical challenges and crises, new technological and pharmaceutical advances promise to transform healthcare for the benefit of all. 'Science, Medicine, and Society' explores ethical, social, and political controversies involving subjects such as biomedical and genetic engineering, the pharmaceutical industry, public health policy, mental illness, alternative medicines, hospital and hospice care, end-of-life dilemmas, and gender, sex, and reproductive health issues.
Science Fiction and Fantasy
01:355:301:04 Index: 08194 Instructor: Peter Morrone
Meets in-person Tuesday and Thursday, 5th period, 3:50-5:10pm, Freylinghuysen (FH) B6, College Ave Campus
From Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, popular science fiction and fantasy narratives are marketed as entertainment that allows escape from everyday life but also shapes our values and visions of new ways to live. But who creates these marvelous stories and what do they have to tell us? Exactly why are they so popular and what can they tell us about the fast-approaching future? This course examines how science-fiction fantasies, whether utopian, dystopian, or somewhere in-between, inform and influence our identities, our ideas, and our real-world experiences and relationships.
Imagining the Future
01:355:301:05 Index: 08195 Instructor: Peter Molin
Meets in-person Monday and Wednesday, 4th period, 2:00-3:20pm, Lucy Stone Hall (LSH) B-205, Livingston Campus
What will tomorrow look like? Next year? 50 or 100 years from now? With new technologies appearing, environmental crises looming, alternative lifestyles becoming normalized, the economy uncertain, and the political landscape shifting, the world is transforming in profound and unpredictable ways. 'Imagining the Future' asks students to envision possibilities both promising and frightening by drawing on exciting ideas and theories about the shape of things to come.