Internship Directors: Sara Perryman and Carla Caponegro

Scholarship in Writing Center Studies covers a wide range of subjects. In addition to writing center theory, pedagogy, and practice, researchers also study writing environments, social justice in writing center work, tutor wellness, writing center access, tutee experience, and more. As part of this scholarship, writing centers conduct both small and large-scale studies using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods. The overall aim of these studies is to gain a better understanding of how well writing centers serve their communities, whether students, tutors, faculty, staff, or the general public.

In spring 2024, the Rutgers Writing Centers will be conducting a small-scale research study to a) assess general center health and efficacy; and b) develop a preliminary written and oral history of our centers. 

Course Description

The Writing Center Research Study Internship is a 3-credit course open to all students interested in learning how to craft a social science research study from start to finish. Reading, writing, and hands-on experience are central to this project. It will culminate in both a collaborative report and presentation of findings, as well as a preliminary written and oral history of the center to be featured on our website.

This course is designed to fulfill two primary objectives:

1. To introduce students to the field of writing center research, the principles of research design, interdisciplinary mixed methods, field work, collection of data, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and summative evaluation.

2. To conduct a preliminary RAD study (replicable, aggregable, and data-supported) on tutor and tutee experience at the Rutgers Writing Centers, as well as explore the history of the centers, using quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys, oral history interviews, focus groups, and participant observation.


This internship meets in-person once a week for 80 minutes. The second 80 minute “class period” will be committed to individual and group field work in asynchronous modality. Students are expected to complete all readings and assignments for class, as well as field work, including maintaining a field note journal.

This course can be used to fulfill elective college credit toward graduation. Students majoring or minoring in English may apply internship credits towards the completion of their elective major or minor requirements.

Writing Program Calendar

12 Feb 2025;
09:00AM - 11:00AM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting
12 Mar 2025;
09:00AM - 11:00PM
Writing Program Faculty Meeting