Course Description:
Writing Grant Proposals is designed for students who hope to enter professional careers requiring knowledge of grantwriting. The course will teach students the mechanics of proposal writing and the political and social aspects of "grantsmanship," as they develop their skills in identifying sources of grant funding, doing useful research to support their applications, and tailoring their proposals to specific audience interests. There will be several short writing assignments, an exam, and an independent project. Students may also be asked to engage in a collaborative grant project to help build their skills in collaboration. CESEP (formerly known as CASE) students will be expected to write a grant proposal specifically for their community partners.
Please note: students do not have to sign up for CESEP to take this section of Writing Grant Proposals, though it is strongly encouraged.
Course Texts:
Jane Geever, The Foundation Center Guide to Proposal Writing
Coursepack of sample documents
Web resources, as assigned
Supplemental Texts:
Cheryl Clarke, Storytelling for Grantseekers
Ernest Brewer, Charles Achilles, and Jay Fuhriman, Finding Funding: Grantwriting from Start to Finish, Including Project Management and Internet Use
APA, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Course Requirements and Grading Criteria:
1. Workshop Participation and Presentations 20% of final grade
This class is primarily intended to be a workshop (rather than a lecture or a discussion), so a large part of the grade will depend upon students delivering their writing assignments on time and generously and actively participating in the workshops.
2. Short Writing Assignments 25% of final grade
In general, there will be one short writing assignment due every Monday of the course. Students will be expected to complete all of these assignments on time.
3. Longer Writing Assignments 55% of final grade
Two formal writing assignments are required:
- a 5-10 page "letter proposal," worth 20% of the final grade, due at midterm
- a 10-20 page full proposal, worth 35% of the final grade, due at the end of the semester.
All written assignments should be typed, double-spaced in 12pt New Times Roman or similar font.
Because the work for this class is cumulative (i.e. short writing assignments become sections of the midterm and final projects), success in this course will be largely determined by students' commitment to completing all short assignments on time, participating fully in the workshops, and revising their work thoroughly.